History will help us understand the roots of this celebration and why we
(Christians, believers of the Messiah) should not be part of this AT ALL.
The name "Halloween" comes from the All Saints Day celebration of the early Christian church, a day set aside for the solemn remembrance of the martyrs (dead Saints) "All Hallows Eve" was eventually contracted to "Hallow-e'en," which became "Halloween."
The pagan Samhain festival (pronounced "sow" "en") celebrated the final harvest, death, and the onset of winter, for three days from October 31 to November 2.
Google image - Samhain festival, festival of the dead
The Celts believed the curtain dividing the living and the dead lifted during Samhain to allow the spirits of the dead to walk among the living ghosts haunting the earth.
As the centuries passed, Samhain and All Hallows Eve got mixed.
In what is now Britain and France, it was the beginning of the Celtic year, and they believed Samhain, the lord of death, sent evil spirits abroad to attack humans, who could escape only by assuming disguises and looking like evil spirits themselves (costumes).
For those who practice Wicca, the official religion of witchcraft, Halloween is a real, sacred day. It is one of two high and holy days for them. They believe in spirits being released, along with the worship of Samhain (the lord of death)
Google image - Wiccah, witchcraft
Some people will argue and say
" there is no harm in this celebration and it's fun for the kids "
The Bible says in Isaiah 5:20
'' Woe (judgment is coming) to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! ''
Bonfires, Jack lathers (pumpkin) trick or treating are all connected to this pagan holiday.
when Christians celebrate the same festivals as witches and pagans we're being unequally yoked with them and participating in a type of fellowship that is forbidden in the Bible.
2 Corinthians 6:14
" Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? "
Think about this .. does Halloween brings glory to God, JEHOVAH ?
The Bible says everything we do SHALL bring glory to our LIVING GOD,
not to the dead!
Anyone who wants to follow the Messiah SHOULD HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!