When we admit and own that we are not enough, that we will fail our families and falters, that even our best days fall short, we discover the power that “ We are not enough” fails to offer.
When we admit we are not enough, we are free to run and cling to the GOD WHO IS.
In Him, we far exceed enough.
We rocket past mediocrity and no longer worry about keeping up, as his perfect power radiates through our weakness (2 Cor. 12:9).
In Him we are transformed from one level of glory to another (2 Cor. 3:18), as we press beyond human standards to take hold of that for which he has taken hold of us (Phil. 3:14).
He will transform us until we begin to resemble Him who redeemed us (Rom. 8:29).
The Gospel tells us two truths, and holds both at full strength: